Pacific Northwest Weeds for Bees

Sneezeweed, Fireweed, Showy Tarweed, Showy Milkweed and Puget Sound Gumweed

just a few names of Pacific Northwest Wildflowers - growing weeds for bees.

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Native plants . . . 

Support butterflies:

Swallowtail butterfly on Zinnia.

Swallowtail Butterfly on Zinnia
My Litta Crescent butterfly on Fragrant Popcorn Flower

My Litta Crescent Butterfly on Popcorn Flower

Wood Nymph butterfly on native blackberry

Wood Nymph Butterfly
Common Ringlet butterfly on Pearly Everlasting

Common Ringlet Butterfly

Cabbage White still green, first butterfly of 2022.

Cabbage White Butterfly
Dusky Wing butterfly on Liatris

Dusky Wing Butterfly

Gray Hairstreak butterfly on white clover.

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly
A pair of Woodland Skipper butterflies on Liatris

Woodland Skipper Butterfly

California Tortoiseshell butterfly on bare dirt.

California Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Air BNB RV Reservations

Coming soon


Located in south puget sound, our focus is on native wildflowers and the native life they support.


PNW Weeds for Bees, Inc.
South Puget Sound
WA, 98532 USA